Stop These Bad Habits and Thrive in Your Personal and Professional Life
Written by: Dorothy Watson, for: Hispanic Family Counseling Inc.
At some point or another, you've probably learned what it takes to live a healthier life. For example, you know you need to make healthy food choices, sleep an adequate number of hours every night, and exercise regularly. But taking positive steps for your well-being also involves cutting out behaviors that don't serve you well. The following bad habits prevent you from living your best life, so do yourself a favor: dig deep and try to stop them.
Smoking and Excessive Drinking:
Cigarette smoking is the number one cause of preventable disease and death in America. It can harm almost every part of your body, not just your lungs and heart.
Nicotine is super addictive even if it's culturally acceptable, and it's a massive challenge to quit. The same is true for the excessive consumption of alcohol. Get help for a substance use disorder, and you can significantly improve your quality of life.
Being Overly Negative:
You're human. It's natural to feel negative emotions. But dwelling too long in the land of negativity doesn't bode well for your long-term health and relationships. It's not self-compassionate or kind to:
• Wallow in self-pity
• Compare yourself to social media influencers
• Blame others for the problems in your life
Therapeutic counseling can help you break free of defeatist thought patterns. If you suspect your anxiety could stem from a mental health disorder, visit your primary care provider to confirm a diagnosis.
Socializing With Buzzkills:
The people you surround yourself with can make a world of difference to your mental health. So, pay attention to those who take more out of you than they give.
Spend less time and energy on family members who body-shame you, laugh at your hopes and aspirations, or bring others down. You deserve friends who are a positive influence and inspire you to be a better person.
Living in an Untidy Space:
A cluttered living environment can be a source of stress. You don't want to walk through your door at the end of a long day only to be confronted with a mess. Your home should be
a sanctuary as far as possible. If you're working from home, that's even more reason to carve out time for a little cleaning up.
Many hands make light work, so rope in your roommates or family members if you live with others.
Disliking Your Job:
Burnout is the absolute pits. If work has got you questioning your life choices, you should know that you have options.
There are numerous part-time distance learning degrees online, and one could hold the key to a more fulfilling career. Or you can take the plunge and become your own boss. recommends that parents with home-based businesses should outsource tasks such as childcare and cleaning for a healthier work-life balance. It's also a good idea to:
• Practice self-care.
• Take turns with your spouse so chores become more manageable.
Start Improving Today
Everyone has problems, including the people who live a stone's throw away from the happiest place on earth, Disneyworld. But the future is full of promise if you start working on your physical and mental health today. Reach out to Hispanic Family Counseling to book an in-person visit at a Florida location or to make a telehealth appointment.