Giving Thanks is Flourishing
Written by: Celibeth Rodriguez, LCSW
For: Hispanic Family Counseling Inc. Newsletter November 2022 Edition
Giving thanks means that we are appreciating what we have received. Being grateful is an act and it is an opportunity for those who practice it; however, it is also a decision. As human beings we decide if we want to practice gratitude. It is an act that is within our reach on a daily basis. From the privilege of opening our eyes, feeling the warm sun, receiving the greeting of a loved one or the significant fact of breathing. Just as a flower blooms when it receives water and sun, so too as human beings we bloom when we are grateful. Gratitude allows us to flourish in adversity and be resilient by focusing on those reasons for which even in adversity we can say thank you; And it is that by going through the different situations and experiences in life we learn that love, peace and calm, are of incalculable value and that each experience becomes a memory. You reflect that time always leaves its mark and that every breath of the wind, every footprint along the way, every time you feel the cold water between your fingers or every time you could see a flower grow, is a reason to be thankful. This month will be Thanksgiving Day, a day filled with gratitude and reflection. Let's reflect on the reasons we have to be thankful every day. Our life is a reason for gratitude, our family, friends, co-workers, there are a variety of reasons for which we can be grateful. Let us reflect that gratitude allows us to flourish, to value life, to be grateful for the privilege of leaving our mark at every step. I wish you a beautiful thanksgiving day and a beautiful season, because giving thanks also means blossoming…