One More Time

Image: Pixabay

Written by: Celibeth Rodríguez, LCSW 

For: Hispanic Family Counseling Inc. Newsletter September 2022 Edition

There on the ground, thinking about how to get up, after having trained a lot, he had two decisions: get up or stay on the ground. That boxer did not know how he could find the strength, since after training, his opponent turned out to be stronger. At that moment, cognitive distortions began to fill his mind: "you won't be able to get up", "look at him he's stronger than you". In the middle of that battle, he decided to take a break to listen to his heart. In doing so, by placing his hand on his heart, he felt the beating of life, that even in the midst of that brokenness, tiredness and physical pain, when he felt the beating of his heart, he decided to sigh. And as he got up, that boxer got up with more strength and not only managed to embrace victory, he also managed to embrace life. Many times we have a scenario similar to that of that boxer. We see ourselves in definitive situations, where each situation will be significant and will have an impact on our daily lives. Every morning we face a scenario similar to that of the boxer, we have to choose whether to get up to fight one more day or if we settle on our side of the bed and just watch life go by through the window of our home. One more time! Let's try to fight for our dreams One more time! May that be the phrase that accompanies us on our walk. When you find yourself in the midst of tiredness, pain, discouragement, loneliness, try it once again! Let's be like that boxer, let's not only embrace our fulfilled dreams, let's also embrace life! A beautiful life full of moments that we can make unforgettable, from giving a smile, enjoying breathing or simply placing our hand on our chest and feeling the most precious thing that happens every second in us, a beating heart.

Live, laugh, love, be happy.


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